Executive Growth Alliance Delivers on ROI

Investment in future-ready leadership is essential to a company’s successful growth. Back in 2019, companies allocated $3.5 billion for leadership training, but often employees were not able to apply the concepts taught during the training in their actual workplace. This resulted in wasted investments. How can [...]

Importance of Equality in Peer Learning Groups

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein. Numerous studies have found that people are their most creative when they meet informally on the job in groups of their peers where everyone is treated equally, has an equal opportunity to participate and speak up, and [...]

Reorganization to Serve the New Environment

Covid-19 forced people to change while improving digitalization efforts within organizations. It is important to address how these last 6 months have impacted people to ensure their health and psychological safety. […]

Keys to Success on Motivating Employees

During Executive Growth Circles, using the world’s most progressive platform uniquely designed for peer learning, EGA members globally collaborate to resolve challenges or define ways to leverage opportunities. […]

Secret to Success Post COVID-19

The unprecedented speed and impact of change experienced by leaders during the COVID-19 crisis demonstrated the need for innovation, agility, fast-action and collaboration. […]

Future is Here: Take the Next Step into New World

Future-readiness -2020 started with corporate plans based on financial growth, efficient global supply chains; planned events and a productive workforce along with innovation initiatives such as ‘implement AGILE’; create a learning culture; develop a growth mindset. […]

Future-Readiness Starts with Adaptability

Future readiness today requires agility as a person, team and company. As Coronavirus is demonstrating, we can no longer expect ‘business as usual’. Over the past weeks, we have seen hundreds of company events, global conferences, sporting events and meetings cancelled, postponed or moved to online [...]

Focus on your Actions not Failures

Success – sports, business, life requires action – which can hit the mark or miss. We all have missed shots but by learning, adapting and trying again we have another chance to succeed. […]