The Power of Peers: How EGA Helped a Future CEO to Prepare for New Role

In the fall of 2019, Kristian Sarastuen found himself in an unexpected and challenging situation. One of Norway's most experienced strategic communications advisors with the Oslo office of Burson-Marsteller, a leading worldwide public relations and communications firm, Sarastuen was suddenly and improbably tapped to take on [...]

The Power of Global Innovation Ecosystems in Practice

The many new challenges facing businesses today may seem daunting, but to someone somewhere they are becoming old hat, having already experienced the quickly changing world of work. That someone may be halfway around the globe, but that shouldn’t stop businesses from tapping their knowledge and [...]

Keys to Success on Motivating Employees

During Executive Growth Circles, using the world’s most progressive platform uniquely designed for peer learning, EGA members globally collaborate to resolve challenges or define ways to leverage opportunities. […]