Get Future Ready Now Summits

By collaborating with Open, Committed, Brave leaders from around the world during Get Future Ready Now Summits, EGA members from multiple industries and regions build lasting relationships and identify new business opportunities. Through fire starting perspectives delivered by global thought leaders, interactive panel discussions and peer collaboration, participants leave inspired, connected and ready to take action.

Experience the power of the EGA Get Future Ready Now 2019 Summit

Why Innovation Matters: Thomas Anglero, Director Innovation IBM

Creating a future-ready business – experience the Adobe transformation

Why Future-readiness matters today from Chris Kutarna 

Thomas Anglero, Director of Innovation IBM, painted the picture of the future through accelerating change where AI advancements are driving the need for new leadership approaches.

Importance of continuous innovation, learning, and creativity for future success with Cheryl Turja

Liberate yourself from the past and embrace the future.

The power of collaboration and ways we can each leverage others around us to become future-ready.

Global executives shared, learned and committed to take action for future success!

“Business leaders today have a lot to learn when it comes to business innovation, transformation and scaling. Through EGA Membership mobility providers have gained insights and inspiration to align their organizations with future needs and to develop next-generation digital solutions.”
Astrid Skarheim, Onsum
 “Great program – it took me out of my comfort zone. It was not just talking about innovation but really working on daily challenges.  We need more of this – taking action.”
Yngvar Ugland, VP DNB
 “Thanks for the truly great and inspiring summit. A week later I am still reflecting on and using the wealth of useful insights.”
Ans Heirman, Managing Director Merck
 “What a fabulous day!  I had high expectations and it still exceeded all of hopes and expectations.”
Anita Schjolset, Innovation Chair, University of Oslo
 “Congratulations on an amazing summit  – the real hands on work and interaction was great  – very well done.”
Truls Berg, CEO Open Innovation Lab
 “Get Future Ready Now was amazing! I had high expectations and it still exceeded my expectations. I thought everyone’s interaction was genuine, energetic and delightful. Great results will come from this day.”
Cheryl Turja, Director Adobe